Vedic Anatomy REVIEW! #1556

Name of the book – Vedic Anatomy

Name of the author – Chockalingam Pragasam

Ancient Indians revered the Pancha Boothas—earth, water, air, fire, and sky—as their way of life. Over time, Vedic texts and epics like the Mahabharata and Ramayana introduced idols and deities, each representing parts of the human body. This book delves into the meanings behind these deities, suggesting every person is a bundle of gods. It explores stories like Savitri and Sathyavan, revealing allegories such as the umbilical cord and fetal blood circulation. Additionally, it examines cultural practices like Sati and the significance of flowers and kumkum for widows, offering profound insights into ancient beliefs.

Every bodily component is regarded as a god or goddess, and each portion’s purpose is portrayed in a legendary tale, such as the Ramayana or the Mahabharata. The book is a useful teaching resource for holistic therapy practitioners, Ayurvedic students, and yoga instructors. The author attempted to investigate how individuals misapplied the Vedas to uphold Sati and the caste system, as well as the dogmatic view that surrounds the Vedas as a sacred text.

Within the field of Vedic Anatomy, the author has attempted to create and identify relationships between human organs, gods, and organ functions. Anyone interested in exploring the depths of Indian spirituality and culture will find this book to be a helpful resource due to Pragasam’s perceptive observations and academic approach. Readers will get a greater grasp of the human body and its role in the world thanks to the author’s perceptive examination of Vedic anatomy. For people who want to learn more about spirituality, culture, and science, this book is a must-read. 

Rating of the book – 5⭐/5⭐

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Finally, I would like to thank the author for providing me with a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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