The devil’s teacup and other ghost stories REVIEW! #1408

Name of the book – The Devil’s Teacup and Other Ghost Stories 

Name of the author – Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay 

Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay (1894–1950), an acclaimed Indian author, is celebrated for his profound influence on Bengali literature. Best known for his masterpiece “Pather Panchali,” Bandyopadhyay’s works vividly capture the rural landscapes and human experiences of Bengal. His storytelling is imbued with an innate connection to nature, portraying the beauty and challenges of rural life. Bandyopadhyay’s poignant narratives delve into the complexities of human relationships and the relentless cycle of life. The sheer simplicity and emotional depth in his writing have left an enduring impact, solidifying his legacy as one of Bengal’s literary giants.

The Devil’s Teacup and Other Ghost Stories is an anthology of short translated stories by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay, translated by Prasun Roy. One story in this anthology touches on that theme, sometimes more directly than others. It’s unusual for me to like almost every story in an anthology as much as I did the stories herein. I was somewhat surprisingly impressed with the level of writing and unique perspectives and particularly enjoyed “The Shadowy Portrait” and obviously “The Devil’s Teacup”. 

I loved the variety of stories and authors have brought together for this anthology, taking us through so many different styles of horror fiction, from the serious to the poignant to the just plain fun. Whatever your tastes, I think you will find something here to love. A perfect collection for those brief moments in time – commutes, lunch breaks – where you just need a tempting distraction. Fans of scary ghost stories and supernatural horror are in for a treat with this anthology! 

Rating of the book – 4.5⭐/5⭐

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