The adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi REVIEW! #937

Name of the book- The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi 

Name of the author- Shannon Chakraborty 

“For this scribe has read a great many of these accounts and taken away another lesson: that to be a woman is to have your story misremembered. Discarded. Twisted.”

“The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi” by Shannon Chakraborty is a thrilling and captivating fantasy adventure that transports readers to the enchanting Arabian lands. The story revolves around Amina Al-Sirafi, a strong and resourceful protagonist who embarks on a final quest for adventure and glory. With elements of Islamic mythology woven into the narrative, the book offers a unique and immersive reading experience. One of the highlights of the book is the character of Amina herself. She is a relatable and empowering female lead, representing every reader who secretly craves an adventure. Amina’s wit, courage, and determination make her a memorable and admirable character. Throughout her journey, she faces daunting challenges and dangerous enemies, never losing her sense of humor or her determination to succeed.

The world-building in this book is exceptional. Shannon Chakraborty’s vivid descriptions bring the Arabian lands to life, immersing readers in a vibrant and magical setting. The author’s attention to detail and her ability to create a rich and immersive environment add depth and authenticity to the story. The plot of the book is well-crafted, filled with suspense, twists, and high stakes. It explores themes of ambition, power, and the consequences of dealing with supernatural forces. The pacing is excellent, keeping readers engaged from start to finish. The author’s storytelling and writing style is captivating, making it difficult to put the book down.

Overall, “The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi” is an enthralling and thought-provoking read. It combines elements of adventure, fantasy, and mythology to create a compelling narrative. With its strong female protagonist, immersive world-building, and thrilling plot, this book is highly recommended for fans of fantasy and adventure. Shannon Chakraborty’s storytelling prowess shines through, leaving readers eagerly awaiting her next literary adventure.

Favorite lines from the book-

“For the greatest crime of the poor in the eyes of the wealthy has always been to strike back. To fail to suffer in silence and instead disrupt their lives and their fantasies of a compassionate society that coincidentally set them on top. To say no.”

“After all, we build our homes upon the ruins of lost cities and sail our ships over the drowned palaces of forgotten kings.”

“Perhaps another storyteller long ago decided this was best, just as I briefly held back the truth from you. Or maybe it was an honest mistranslation. We will likely never know.”

“Are not all mothers capable of being monsters when it comes to their children?”

“For while the pious claim money doesn’t buy happiness, I can attest from personal experience that poverty buys nothing.”

Rating of the book- 5⭐/5⭐

If you like the review, then buy the book from the link given below-

Finally, I would like to thank you HarperCollins Publishers for collaborating with me and providing me the review copy in exchange for an honest review. I loved reading this book and I hope to collaborate again!

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