Crazy Time Not To Be Young REVIEW! #632

Name of the book- Crazy Time Not To Be Young

Name of the author-  Ankur Walia

The social media profiles of Rohan Khosla portray a flawless life. He appears to the outside world to be a successful professional who is married to a lovely wife and has a devoted kid. Rohan has accomplished all that was meant to make him happy, but an internal tempest is rising. He has lost faith in the meaning of life, society, family, and work. Rohan’s destiny has altered radically every 10 years since his birth, even though he lived a life of obedience to social norms like a sheep. Rohan, who is forty, is at a turning point when he will defy convention this time. He will stop being a sheep and change into a tiger, a lone predator who leads an unrestrained existence. Our protagonist has a lifetime’s worth of experiences in ten years, including wandering around cities, indulging in decadence, attempting new professions, finding love, navigating perilous circumstances, and confronting life’s ugly realities up close. Can he take control of his destiny? Will he learn the truth about his true self and the meaning of his life? These are the existential concerns at the heart of his distress.

Beautiful settings, people, moments, and other elements are at the heart of this heartwarming tale that will undoubtedly bring you to delight one moment at a time. Office turmoil, family drama, relationship problems, childishness, and other such elements are also there. The chronology in the book is distinctive and probably something I have never seen before. It is well-crafted when you see the chapter name. Any reader can become engrossed in the circumstance because a deep emotion will be produced since each scene is well described with evocative language.

Additionally, the clarity of the language and the genius of the words convey the author’s original thoughts, and the depth of information the author had to acquire to write the book is evident in the author’s pen. His poetry reveals his deep interest in cosmology and spirituality. The author did a good job of developing the characters in the novel. Not to mention the thrilling twist after the novel, which I didn’t see coming, the dialogues between them were extremely interesting and worth reading. I advise any reader to start reading right away since the language in this book is so straightforward, brief, and simple that it touches every reader’s heart. This is a helpful book for everyone looking for inner peace and feeling lost and bewildered in this world.

Rating of the book- 4⭐/5⭐

If you like the review, then buy the book from the link given below-

Finally, I would like to thank the author for providing me a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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