Do Not Quit REVIEW! #630

Name of the book- Do Not Quit: The story of tryst with dreams

Name of the author- Ashutosh Dutta 

An IIT author wrote the book DO NOT QUIT. The story centers on the ambitious main character Ayush, whose life can be related to everybody. He comes from a modest background and majored in IIT and JEE in school. Moreover, a man who is driven to attain success in the future. While he is preparing to enter the civil service, he is also dealing with some other problems. Every one of us is the story’s hero. He suffers from all of the doubts, problems, and conundrums that everyone has experienced or is now experiencing.

This story offers encouragement for those who have lost their way while seeking something, slept for a bit, and then found it again. I adore how the author depicted Ayush’s development from a driven student to a loving boy. Every other guy may relate to Ayush’s tale extremely well. Even though the plot is a fantasy. Your heart and soul will be touched by the presentation, nevertheless. Since it discusses the common issues we all encounter, how it feels to feel lost while pursuing our objectives, and how we all enter the profession with high expectations of becoming the best versions of ourselves and altering our whole lives, this is a story that all of us can relate to. The story will keep your attention until the startling surprise at the finish that will leave you dumbfounded, although it is precisely placed and, more significantly, riveting.

I was impressed by the author’s use of straightforward language and how well she conveyed raw emotion. Characters that are engaging and complete were developed by the author. It is for individuals who want to give up since this book motivates them to pursue their goals with tenacity. This book should be read by every student. A must-read for anybody who appreciates losing themselves in the imaginary realms that gifted authors conjure.

Rating of the book- 5⭐/5⭐

If you like the review, then buy the book from the link given below-

Finally, I would like to thank the author for providing me a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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