Upgrade from Bholi to Badass REVIEW! #1646

Name of the book – Upgrade From Bholi to Badass : Your Guide to the Nuances of Transformation

Name of the author – Krishna Mahathi 

“Upgrade From Bholi to Badass” delves into the profound yet often camouflaged conversations that women crave. It addresses the universal journey of self-discovery, acknowledging the unexpected disturbances in attitudes and perceptions that arise at various life stages. The book serves as a compassionate guide, offering solace and support during these tumultuous times. With an empowering tone, it champions women to hold themselves together, revamp their perspectives, and savor the adventure of self-expansion.

This intelligent and perceptive book celebrates the development and adaptability of the intellect. A must-read for any woman who wants to accept and understand the changing version of herself. Mahathi offers a book on self-discovery and finding your purpose for women and girls of all ages. In a very good approach, this book leads us to discover the paths and assists its readers in becoming a better version of their courageous, powerful, and badass avatars. To help readers grasp the material better and make a deeper connection with it, the author has included examples from everyday life.

In this book, the author provides a road map for women to become their advocates rather than relying on outside assistance. This book is a helpful reminder of the value of providing women with the support and care they need, which is frequently unavailable to them. Discovering your uniqueness and widening your horizons are crucial steps toward comprehending the vastness of life’s operations and achieving success. It acts as a ray of hope and strength, guiding preserving one’s composure and sense of self. The book exhorts women to persevere, change, and relish the process of self-improvement. She emphasizes the fortitude required to completely embrace self-improvement and remake oneself.

Rating of the book – 4.5⭐/5⭐

If you like the review, then buy the book from the link given below-

Finally, I would like to thank the author for providing me with a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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For review collaborations, mail me at trishitadas07@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram.

Thank you!

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