Yoga for holistic health REVIEW! #1640

Name of the book – Yoga For Holistic Health

Name of the author – Prof. Dr. Kaliaperumal M. P 

In “Yoga For Holistic Health,” Professor Dr. Kaliaperumal M.P. shares his lifetime of experience and insights into the practice of yoga and its profound impact on physical and mental well-being. With an impressive background in mechanical engineering, management, and systems from IIT Delhi, and a Ph.D., Dr. Kaliaperumal brings a unique, analytical perspective to the ancient practice of yoga. His commitment to yoga began in his school days and has been enriched by training from eminent yoga teachers and institutes, including the prestigious Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga.

The author enables readers to realize the full potential of their yoga practice and promote harmony and balance in all facets of life by stressing a holistic approach to the practice. With a focus on self-paced learning, the book gives readers the ability to customize their yoga practice to fit their requirements and tastes. Through professional advice and recommendations, readers may use yoga’s therapeutic properties to treat particular conditions and advance general well-being.

Readers may discover the full potential of their bodies and minds by adhering to the internal direction and directly experiencing the great advantages of yoga. Readers are empowered to practice yoga according to their requirements by reading a full explanation of each asana that focuses on its therapeutic effects for particular health issues. This book is a great starting point for anybody interested in using yoga to improve their physical, mental, and emotional health.

Rating of the book – 4⭐/5⭐

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Finally, I would like to thank the author for providing me with a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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